AI Project Scoping: From Idea to Execution


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ДАТА: 27.09.2025

AI Project Scoping: From Idea to Execution

Registration is free but mandatory. Please sign up here, because the places are limited.


Join us on November 2 at the next free MentorMate DevTalk, in collaboration with IIBA. Bozhidar Bahov and Georgi Naydenov, Business Analysts at MentorMate, will cover the topics “A New Age Guide to AI Project Scoping” and “How Prompt-Based Development Changes the Game”. You’ll find out:

  • How to scope valuable AI projects across various industries 

  • How to navigate the complexities and harness them in your projects

  • How prompt-based development enables parallel experimentation and rapid iteration through real-world use cases and technical insights

The event will take place in the MentorMate’s Sofia office (Professor Tsvetan Lazarov 67).

For the exact location, click here.

We hope to see you there!

КОГА: 02.11.2023

МЯСТО: бул. "Проф. Цветан Лазаров" 67, София

ВХОД: Свободен

6:30 PM Welcome and introduction from MentorMate & IIBA
6:45 PM A New Age Guide to AI Project Scoping
7:15 PM Break
7:30 PM How Prompt-Based Development Changes the Game
8:00 PM Q&A
8:10 PM Networking & raffle with awards

Bozhidar “Bobby” Bahov, Senior Business Analyst II

Bozhidar “Bobby” Bahov, Senior Business Analyst II

With more than a decade of experience in software product development, Bobby seamlessly navigates the intersection of cutting-edge technology and business efficacy. Starting his career as a software developer, he quickly advanced into project and product management roles. He has managed projects and consulted a varied clientele — from startups to large corporations, as well as governmental organizations and NGOs. He has also spearheaded multiple innovative ventures and programs focused on AI tools, satellite data, and space technology.

An alumnus of the Rotterdam School of Management with a Master’s degree in Business Information Management, he’s currently pursuing a Ph.D. researching AI simulations, digital twins, and synthetic data. Today, as a Senior Business Analyst at Mentormate, he continues to be a driving force for innovation — and make no mistake, he’s still one of the biggest geeks you’ll find around.
Georgi Naydenov, Business Analyst II

Georgi Naydenov, Business Analyst II

Georgi is a versatile professional with a deep dive expertise and a broad understanding across multiple areas. His proficiency lies in his capability to identify, analyze in depth, and synthesize data to allow for the maximization of business value. His proficiencies extend to both healthcare and energy analytics.

His enthusiasm for data and AI is unwavering, particularly in the prompt engineering area. Over the past year, he’s been actively researching ways to integrate foundation models, such as GPT-4, Vicuna, Claude, Falcon, and Llama 2, into his daily workflows and projects. Georgi is enthusiastic about providing guidance on mitigating language models’ hallucinations and optimizing their efficiency, thereby enabling the implementation of the models’ output for tangible product development. In his leisure hours, Georgi is infatuated with metal core concerts and mosh pits that complement his journey of self-learning the guitar.

“Ментормейт България” ЕООД

МенторМейт е глобална компания, предлагаща услуги за дигитална трансформация, с 1000+ експерти в софтуерното инженерство, дизайна и бизнес стратегията. Организацията предлага кариерни възможности в различни софтуерни направления – от разработка и тестване, анализ и оптимизация на данни, до дизайн и архитектура на разнообразни ентърпрайз решения, както и работа по вълнуващи проекти, които правят живота на милиони хора по света по-добър. Тъй като философията и ценностите на МенторМейт са ориентирани около хората, компанията предоставя ясно дефинирана кариерна рамка, разнообразни обучителни програми, гъвкав модел на работа и култура, която се основава на автентичност, взаимопомощ и уважение. В глобален мащаб МенторМейт има офиси в София, Пловдив, Варна, Велико Търново, Русе, Минеаполис (САЩ), Гьотеборг (Швеция) и Асунсион (Парагвай), както и специалисти, работещи от всяка точка на света. Част сме от глобалната технологична компания Tietoevry Create, а това дава възможност на хората ни да работят по значими проекти за разпознаваеми брандове и да развиват кариерата си в екип от над 10 000 експерти.