
Quality Assurance for Software Developers: Testing Fundamentals Part 2

Test design techniques that can be applied for creating more meaningful unit tests.

Quality assurance for Software Developers is a series of events based on the idea that the roles of software developer and quality assurance engineers are overlapping.
In his many years of experience, Anton came to the conclusion that developers should no longer rely on testers to ensure software quality but should take part and responsibility on their own. We will review both theoretical and practical points, how we could achieve higher quality and also provide specific examples from what is implemented in Innovative Lab (the company in which Anton currently is working as a QA Architect.

The series will happen in May and June and the second event will be on 30th of May, 7:00 pm.
Registration is mandatory but free on -

КОГА: 30.05.2018

МЯСТО: Smart Space - coworking space, Mladost 1, ul. Andrey Saharov 16