SUGBG Meeting #2

SUGBG Meeting #2

We are glad to inform you that the second event of Sitecore User Group Bulgaria (SUGBG) will be held on 22 October 2015, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM in Technical University of Sofia , Block 1 (Rectorate), Hall 1153.

You can join us on:

Don't forget to grab your free ticket at:

КОГА: 22.10.2015

МЯСТО: Technical University of Sofia



1. Connect your bussines layer and Sitecore using WFFM, Atanas Desev

The presentation will provide an explanation of the integration between Web Forms for Marketers and a third party web service environment using custom actions.

2. Lighting talk - Essential tools, Nikola Gotsev

А quick overview of the most essential Sitecore tools.

3. When Sitecore Fails, Ivan Krumov

Have you ever been in a situation where Sitecore is not a viable option for a CMS? Maybe the project or client do not require most of the features that Sitecore provides, or you develop a personal web application and licensing is a big concern. That is why I present you my personal best choice of a CMS in such a situation and I will try to compare its basics with Sitecore's.

Atanas Desev

Atanas Desev

Atanas Desev is a Senior Sitecore Developer for Techromix Solutions. He has more than ten years’ experience with software developing in multiple programming languages and with different Content Management Systems.
Nikola Gotsev

Nikola Gotsev

Nikola Gotsev is a Senior Solutions Developer at Hedgehog Development and a Sitecore MVP with more than 5 years of experience on Sitecore. Before starting his journey with Sitecore Nikola worked with Umbraco, Agility CMS and custom .NET Solutions.

Nikola is often writing his thoughts on Sitecore Development on his blog - Sitecore Corner.
Ivan Krumov

Ivan Krumov

Enthusiastic computer technologies lover since early age, I am constantly trying to be in a "learning phase". I tried software development first in school and now years later I continue to upgrade and improve my skills. After solidifying my skills as a back end developer, now as a co-founder of Rich Source Development I concentrate my efforts on summarizing and organizing all the best practices and good ideas I have had through the years in order to create a more cheerful and exciting working atmosphere.