#SwiftSofia - CI-CD for iOS devs
It’s time for the next #SwiftSofia meetup that will take place on 20 of March, starting at 19:00 at betahaus Sofia.
The topic of the meetup will be CI-CD for iOS devs.
КОГА: 20.03.2018
МЯСТО: betahaus Sofia, Krum Popov 56-58, 1421 Sofia, Bulgaria
Boby Tanev is going to tell us:
1) What is CI-CD?
2) We will take a look at an example of CI-CD with CircleCI - fastlane - Crashlytics Beta
3) He will give us few tips - why do we use CI-CD and what are the benefits from it?
Beer is on the house, just RSVP for the event here: https://www.meetup.com/Swift-Meetup-Sofia/events/248499717/
See you there!