SwiftSofia - Debugging Love


SwiftSofia - Debugging Love

#SwiftSofia Season 2 is already on. October edition will be dedicated toIvelin Davidov and his talk about Debugging Techniques. 

"3 Debugging Techniques You Will Love"

Debugging is a huge part of every developer’s job. This talk will walk you through a couple of techniques that you probably don’t use and you will love!

Ivelin Davidov has been developing software for more than 6 years. He used to be a .NET guy, but three years ago he turned to the dark side and started developing iOS applications. He has used Swift since version 1.1 and worked on several applications using the new language. Ivelin loves Swift, but hates migrating when a newer version comes out. He is passionate about code quality, user experience and beer. Especially beer!

As always beer is on the house, just RSVP

КОГА: 24.10.2017

МЯСТО: betahaus I sofia - Krum Popov 56-58 str., Sofia 1421, Bulgaria