Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell
Learn how with Windows PowerShell 3.0, you can remotely manage single or multiple Windows-based servers and automate day-to-day management and administration tasks.
This five day course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to use Windows PowerShell 3.0 for administering and automating administration of Windows based servers. It focuses on primary Windows PowerShell command-line features and techniques, and will provide prerequisite skills supporting many different Microsoft products. This includes Windows Server, Windows Client, Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, SQL Server, System Center, and more. In keeping with that goal, this course will not focus on any one of those products, although Windows Server (which is the common platform for all of those) will serve as the example for the techniques being taught.
This course is intended for IT Professionals already experienced in general Windows Server and Windows Client administration or already experienced in administering and supporting Application servers and services including applications like Exchange, SharePoint, and SQL. It is broadly intended for students who want to use Windows PowerShell to automate administrative tasks from the command line, using any Microsoft or independent software vendor (ISV) product that supports Windows PowerShell manageability.
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КОГА: 05.10.2015
МЯСТО: ITCE Обучителен Център, бул. Цариградско шосе 115Г, Бизнес център Мегапарк, +359 2 44 00 444,
Димитър Георгиев
Димитър Георгиев е старши консултант и инструктор в ITCE с над 10 години опит в доставянето на висококачествени консултантски услуги на някои от най-големите за региона банки и телекоми.Той специализира в следните области: Identity and Access Solutions, Network Security, Public Key Infrastructure, Messaging Solutions based on Microsoft Exchange Server, Cloud solutions and Office 365, Virtualization Solutions based on Hyper-V and Mobile Device Management.
Димитър притежава магистърска степен по Информатика от Факултета по математика и информатика в Софийски университет „Св. Клиент Охридски”.